CS 171 - Computer Programming I
Winter 2002 Syllabus


  • All dates subject to change, especially in the event of snow.
  • Exam dates are pending.

Week 1
Jan. 2 - Jan . 4
Course Introduction
Week 2
Jan. 7 - Jan. 9
Module 1 -- Introduction to C++
First Program, Style, Comments, Variables, Simple I/O

Week 3
Jan. 14 - Jan. 18

Module 2 -- Numeric Types
Basic Arithmetic, Integer Division, cmath library
Week 4
Jan. 22 - Jan. 25

Module 3 -- C++ Strings
string library, char indexing, string methods
(Holiday: MLK Day, Monday, January 21)

Week 5
Jan. 28 - Feb. 1
Module 4 -- Using Objects
Introduction to OOP, Horstmann classes, File I/O

Week 6
Feb. 4 - Feb. 8

Module 5 -- Conditionals
if, if ... else, if ... else if conditionals,
Week 7
Feb. 11- Feb.15
Module 6 -- Advanced Conditionals
and, or, not, nested conditionals
Week 8
Feb. 19 - Feb. 22
Module 7 -- Introduction to Functions
Prototypes, using functions, scope, definition, pass by value
(Holiday: Presidents' Day, Monday, February 18)
Week 9
Feb. 25 - Mar. 1
Module 8 -- Advanced Functions
Pass by reference, const parameters, side effects, simple recursion
Week 10
Mar. 4 - Mar. 8
Module 9 -- Loops
while, do ... while, for loops, nested loops, sentinel controlled loops, EOF controlled loops, Comparing Floating Point Numbers
Week 11
Mar. 11 - Mar. 16
Final Exam Week
(Note: The University does hold Saturday Finals!!)