Mathematics & Computer Science at Drexel University

Basic Disclaimer

This page, and all software contained within, is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


  1. MCS WebCT Howto for TA's
  2. Information and Source Code for Students, TA's, and Designers
  3. Information for Faculty (local access only)

External Links from

Other available documents which formally and completely address the issues outlined here are available at the links below. From the first link, you can get to almost all others listed. It is possible that since this document was written, newer versions of these have surfaced. Only by going to the documentation page yourself can you be sure.

Main WebCT Documentation MapAll documentation available from is there.
Student HelpThis link may be broken in the future but will hopefully contain a more updated version than the mirror here called Online Help v3.1 copied on 10/7/2001.
Designer HelpThis link may be broken in the future but will hopefully contain a more updated version than the mirror here called Online Help v3.1 copied on 10/7/2001.
TA HelpThis link may be broken in the future but will hopefully contain a more updated version than the mirror here called Online Help v3.1 copied on 10/7/2001.



10/10/2001added external links
7/17/2001created this page

Back to the WebCT page @MCS

Everything on this page was written by Chris Cera in the Mathematics and Computer Science department at Drexel University